World first Artesian Well mobile Crisis Response Unit ART AQUA C-1000
Art Aqua has now established the world’s first Artesian Well Crisis Response Unit on industrial level allowing highest possible mobility and deployment within 24 hours in virtually any part of the world enabling to provide healthy, safe, anti-bacterial water for people in need. Capacity of one ARTAQUA C-1000 is 1000 cubic meters of water per 24 hours. The C-1000 is operating by solar energy and therefore can be installed in war zones or regions hit by natural disaster where the usual infrastructure is derelict. It weigs only 4 tons and can be moved around by the size of four Europallets (480cm x 320cm). Helicopters can easily airlift and deploy the C-1000. As the UNHCR rules that in a crisis 20 liters and in stable conditions between 50 and 100 liters per person per day are the minimum one can estimate that by only one unit the daily supply of potable water for 10,000 persons and in severe crisis 50,000 persons is guaranteed.
Safe, clean, anti-bacterial and healthy Water for all social classes at lowest cost anywhere on the planet irrespective of infrastructure
Reverse Osmosis system operating without any chemicals keeping water fresh for up to 180 days due to anti-bacterial minerals
our tanks and pipes are keeping water 100% clean and safe
Our purification technology is proven to filter even radionuclides such as Caesium 137 by 99.2% bringing down contamination to 20bq/l. Due to the minerals we use, the frequency of our water is 1013 hertz.
Over 1 year’s time of use one cubic meter of potable water costs less than half a Dollar (0.50$).
RRP 99,995 US$ (excl. VAT) orders taken, please contact:
Art Aqua is a proud member of the UN global compact
This is an awesome technology. Hope it finds its way to the people who need it.
Thanks Dan, yes, we are making headwind and soon will come to Canada with it!