Special – Stock-Clearance – Sale
order before or on 31st May 2024. Worldwide free shipping!
All ArtAqua technologies are proven by accredited government institutes such as Institut Pasteur or SGS to eliminate viruses such as SARS (COVID19) or Ebola by 99.95% and radionuclides such as Cesium 137 by 99.2%
40% discount
Nuclear Contamination- & Virus-free Home | ArtAqua
RRP 4,995 US $ now only 2,997 US $ excl. VAT
35% discount
100% ecological water purification
This method of operation, together with the unique design of internal components, allows for much higher rates of filtration resulting in substantial savings on capital, running and maintenance costs. Variable Velocity Filtration (VVF) units are perfectly designed for agricultural and potable water solutions in remote areas as well as camps, guesthouses and residential properties without public water and sewage networks. Standard unit VVF 100 processes 100 cubic meters of water (100,000 liters) per 24 hrs. RRP 79,995 US$ NOW ONLY 49,995 US$ excl. VAT
30% Discount
ARTAQUA 88-00 ideal for Restaurants, Spa, hotels. RRP 19,995 US$ NOW ONLY 13,995 US$ excl. VAT
40% Discount
Our Flagship ARTAQUA 111-00 ideal for water-in-the-desert – projects. RRP 79,995 US$ NOW ONLY 47,997 US$(excl. VAT) supplying 100,000 liters per 24h each (including shipment within EU, Maghreb and Middle East)
our combined technologies turn any kind of water into a health supplement:
40% discount and two for one
ArtAqua’s ARPACK AC 100
RRP 995 US$ now only 595 US$
For Free (100% discount if funded by World Bank) for humanitarian causes in connection with UN global compact projects:
ARTAQUA CRISIS RESPONSE UNIT for War-zones and areas of natural disaster.
30% discount
Desalination and/or containerized wastewater plant for 100 cubic meters per 24h WW-100 RRP 999,995 US$ excl. VAT now for only 699,995 US$ excl. VAT
Art Aqua is a proud member of the UN global compact